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2024-09-23 21:38:11
The Art of LEGO
® Mindstorms
EV3 Programming
Terry Griffin
Published by No Starch Press
To my family, who make all the work worthwhile.
And to Bella, who gives me a reason to get up in the morning.
about the author
Terry Griffin has been a software engineer for more than 20 years and has
spent most of that time creating software to control various types of
machines. He earned a master’s degree in Computer Science from the
University of Massachusetts and has taught programming at the college and
adult education levels. A lifelong LEGO enthusiast, he wrote The Art of
LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Programming (No Starch Press) to help his wife,
a dynamic middle school science and math teacher, learn how to use these
incredible robots in her classroom. He works for the Ion Microscopy
Innovation Center division of Carl Zeiss, writing software to control charge
particle microscopes.
about the technical reviewers
Daniele Benedettelli is known worldwide for his original LEGO robots,
including his Rubik’s Cube solvers and his humanoid robots. As a LEGO
MINDSTORMS Community Partner (MCP), he helped to test and develop
new MINDSTORMS products. He earn......