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    1Five have a wonderful time Enid Blyton Illustrated by Betty Maxey FIVE HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME The Five’s holiday begins peacefully enough on a camping site where they are staying...

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    1The Wizard of Oz In his fourteen books about Oz, three of which are collected here, Baum developed his vision of a socialist paradise. The Wizard of Oz (1900) introduces Dorothy, who ar...

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    1NEW YORK STORIES FROM THE NEW YORKER Edited by David Remnick with Susan Choi RANDOM HOUSE • NEW YORK ©2000 by The New Yorker Magazine. All rights reserved under International and ...

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    1绿野仙踪 = The wonderful wizard of Oz: 英文/(美) 鲍姆著; (美) 丹斯洛绘. —天津:天津人民出版社, 2015.6 ISBN 978-7-201-09262-1 Ⅰ.①绿… Ⅱ.①鲍… ②丹… Ⅲ.①英语-语言读物 ②童话-美国-现代 Ⅳ.①H319.4:I 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(201...

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    1Stereotyped by VINCENT DILL, Nos. 29 & 31 Beekman Street, N. Y. Aladdin poor the wizard found, Who moved from cavern’s mouth a stone; Then bade him go beneath the ground, And pace throu...

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    1Table of Contents About Baum: Lyman Frank Baum (May 15, 1856–May 6, 1919) was an American author, actor, and independent filmmaker best known as the creator, along with illustrator W....

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