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    1The Masters Speak Twenty-Seven Dialogues From the Journals and Field Notes of M.G. Hawking Contributions and Editing by Heather Cantrell, M.Litt., and Amber Chellings, B.Phil. COVER...

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    1中國近百年人權思想 杜鋼建 著 版權信息 《中國近百年人權思想》 杜鋼建 著 © 香港中文大学 2004 本書版權為香港中文大學所有。除獲香港中文大學書面允許外,不得在任何地區,以任何方式,任何文字 翻印、仿製或轉載本書文字或圖表...

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    1Olivia Gates Wenn aus Verlangen Schicksal wird IMPRESSUM BACCARA erscheint in der Harlequin Enterprises GmbH Redaktion und Verlag: Brieffach 8500, 20350 Hamburg Telefon: 040/347-258...

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    1Capital in the Twenty-First Century CAPITAL IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Thomas Piketty Translated by Arthur Goldhammer The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press CAMBRIDGE, M...

  • 简介:

    1Tricky Twenty-Two is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events,...

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    • 2024-03-17 09:56:34
  • 简介:

    1Copyright © 2018 Evanovich, Inc. The right of Janet Evanovich to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents ...

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    • 2024-02-24 21:12:05
  • 简介:

    1 This story is set in a year somewhat like 1984 and in a place very much like St. Louis. Many actual public achievements, policies and products have been attributed to various charact...

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    1《民调局异闻录》 作者: 儿东水寿 1987年,大兴安岭遭遇了一场罕见的森林大火。当火势被扑灭后,到处 都是被大火烧焦的残垣断木,空气中弥漫着焦糊的味道。 一队解放军官兵还在现场做着最后的清理,他们已经一个多月没有正常 休息后,火灾过后的惨...

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    1By Salman Rushdie FICTION Grimus Midnight’s Children Shame The Satanic Verses Haroun and the Sea of Stories East, West The Moor’s Last Sigh The Ground Beneath Her Feet Fury Sh...

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    1ALSO BY TIMOTHY SNYDER Nationalism, Marxism, and Modern Central Europe: A Biography of Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz (1872– 1905) Wall Around the West: State Borders and Immigration Controls...

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