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    1Sex at Dawn How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships Christopher Ryan, PhD, and Cacilda Jethá, MD Epigraph Your children are not your children. They are...

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    1ALSO BY ELIZABETH GILBERT Pilgrims Stern Men The Last American Man VIKING Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014,...

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    1THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY OSCAR FINGAL O’FLAHERTIE WILLS WILDE was born in Dublin in 1854, the son of an eminent eye-surgeon and a nationalist poetess who wrote under the pseudonym o...

  • 简介:

    1ALSO BY ALAN MCDERMOTT TOM GRAY NOVELS Gray Justice Gray Resurrection Gray Redemption Gray Retribution Gray Vengeance This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, pla...

  • 简介:

    1The Picture of Dorian Gray *** Oscar Wilde London Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. PARIS ON SALE AT YE OLD PARIS BOOKE SHOPPE 11 RUE DE CHÂTEAUDUN Registered at Stat...

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    1 麓山文化 编著 机 械 工 业 出 版 社 3ds Max & VRay 灯光/材质/渲染 实例精讲 ...

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    1O’Reilly精品图书系列 大教堂与集市 The Cathedral&the Bazaar:Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary (美)雷蒙德(Eric S.Raymond) 著 卫剑钒 译 ISBN:978-7-111-45247-8 本书纸版由机械工业出版社...

  • 简介:

    1奇点临近 The Singularity Is Near:When Humans Transcend Biology [美]Ray Kurzweil 著 李庆诚 董振华 田源 译 ISBN:978-7-111-35889-3 本书纸版由机械工业出版社于2011年出版,电子版由华章分社(北京华 章图文信息有限公司)全球范围...

  • 简介:

    1奇点临近 The Singularity Is Near:When Humans Transcend Biology [美]Ray Kurzweil 著 李庆诚 董振华 田源 译 ISBN:978-7-111-35889-3 本书纸版由机械工业出版社于2011年出版,电子版由华章分社(北京华章图文信息有限公 司)全球范围内...

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