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    1Stefan Zweig Die Welt von Gestern Erinnerungen eines Europäers »Begegnen wir der Zeit, wie sie uns sucht.« Shakespeare, ›Cymbeline‹ Vorwort Ich habe meiner Person niemals so viel W...

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    1Platon Gesammelte Werke (36 Titel in einem Buch - Vollständige deutsche Ausgaben) Apologie des Sokrates + Der Staat - Politeia + Das Gastmahl + Alkibiades + Phaidros + Timaios + Krit...

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    1AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS JULES VERNE was born in 1828 in Nantes, then as now one of France’s most important ports. He developed from childhood a romantic fascination for the se...

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    1Gottfried Keller Sämtliche Werke (Über 550 Titel in einem Buch - Vollständige Ausgaben) Romane + Erzählungen + Gedichte + Essays + Memoiren © e-artnow, 2015 Kontakt: info@e-artnow.or...

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    1Contents: The Case of the Middle-Aged Wife The Case of the Discontented Soldier The Case of the Distressed Lady The Case of the Discontented Husband The Case of the City Clerk The ...

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    1I started this for Holly I finished it for Maddy Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. —G. K....

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    1Epigraph No butler, no second maid, no blood upon the stair. No eccentric aunt, no gardener, no family friend Smiling among the bric-a-brac and murder. Only a suburban house with the fr...

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    • 2024-03-17 09:56:46
  • 简介:

    1NEITHER HERE NOR THERE Travels in Europe Bill Bryson Contents Cover Title Copyright About The Author Dedication Epigraph 1 To the North 2 Hammerfest 3 Oslo 4 Paris 5 Brussels 6 Belg...

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    1诺贝尔文学奖获奖作家书系 希梅内斯卷 小毛驴与我 【西班牙】J.希梅内斯 著 微雨 译 新星出版社 NEW STAR PRESS 为纪念 住在索尔街 寄给我桑葚和石竹的 可怜的小疯子 阿格狄亚 ——希梅内斯 目录...

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