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    1“SOLID ENTERTAINMENT … Crichton is one helluva yarn-spinner.” —Copley News Service “It made my palms sweat … For clarity, terror, and sheer grisliness, the action far surpasses anythi...

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    1The Lost Worlds of 2001 By Arthur C. Clarke BLAST OFF! "Between the first and last decades of the Twentieth Century lay a gulf greater than the wildest imagination coul...

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    1The Book of Lost & Found LUCY FOLEY Dedication To my grandmothers CONTENTS Dedication The Portrait Part One: The Work of a Master 1 2 3 4 5 Part Two: The Logic of a Fairy ...

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    1Milton at sixty-two, engraving by William Faithorne from the frontispiece to Milton’s History of Britain (1670). (illustration credit fm1.1) 2008 Modern Library Paperback Edition Int...

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    1About the Book ‘I come from Des Moines. Somebody had to.’ And, as soon as Bill Bryson was old enough, he left. Des Moines couldn’t hold him, but it did lure him back. After ten years i...

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    1ISBN: 9780743298902 Synopsis New York Times bestselling author John Connolly’s unique imagination takes readers through the end of innocence into adulthood and beyond in this dark and ...

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    1Copyright © 2014 by Ella Frances Sanders All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House L...

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    1THE LOST CONTINENT-Travels in Small-Town America Bill Bryson PART I EAST CHAPTER 1 I COME FROM Des Moines. Somebody had to. When you come from Des Moines you either accept the fact wi...

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    1 The Sweet Cheat Gone by Marcel Proust Vol. 6 of Remembrance of Things Past Translated from the French by C. K. Scott Moncrieff (Albertine disparue, Tome 6 of Ŕ la Recherche du te...

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    • 2024-03-17 17:56:45
  • 简介:

    1‘You’ll stay with me,’ James said. It was as simple and as complicated as that. ‘How?’ Lorna asked. A single word, but there were so many questions behind it. ‘I just need to rest, Ja...

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